01. Nerve supply to the muscles of flexor compartment
of arm ?
a) Radial nerve
b) Median nerve
c) Musculocutaneous nerve
d) Ulnar nerve
Muscle causing supination of forearm ?
a) Biceps brachii
b) Brachioradialis
c) FDS
d) Anconeus
3rd extensor compartment of
wrist contains tendon of ?
c) EPL
d) EPB
04. Interosseous membrane of forearm is piereced
a) Brachial artery
b) Anterior interosseous artery
c) Posterior interosseous
d) Ulnar recurrent artery
True statement about great sphenous vein
a) It begins at lateral end of dorsal venous arch
b) It runs anterior to medial malleolus
c) It is accomponied by sural nerve
d) Terminates into popliteal vein
06. Neurovascular
bundle of anterior compartment of leg passes between the tendons of ?
a) EHL and EDL
b) EDL and peroneus tertius
c) Tibialis anterior and EHL
d) None of the above
Structure passing deep to flexor retinaculum
is ?
a) Post tibial artery
b) Long saphenous vein
c) Tibialis ant. tendon
d) Peroneus tertius
08. Which muscles is known as 'Triceps surae'
a) Gastro-soleus
b) Popliteus
c) EHL
d) EDL
The blood supply to femoral head is mostly
by ?
a) Lateral epiphyseal artery
b) Medial epiphyseal artery
c) Ligamentous teres artery
d) Profunda femoris
10. All are features of Korsakoff syndrome except
a) Antegrade amnesia
b) Retrograde amnesia
c) Ataxia
d) Confabulation
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